Press and Awards
Balanced Breakfast
Guest Review by Jenn Cleary
Have you ever thought, “I would love to hear some of that good ol’ 80’s hard-driving rock, but with a bit of country punch”? Well, here you go! Cox County Clappers brings it. Matt Rhoden’s talented song-writing, along with the musicianship of band members Reggie Las Vegas and Pat Meusel provides a great platform for producer Johnnie Truesdale to add larger-than-life instrumentation. Cox County Clappers recently released three singles. Gunslingers is reminiscent of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts with Kirstie Lee bringing it with the high energy vocals and Truesdale’s hard-rock background has the electric guitar driving it Eddie Van Halen style. King Nine-Ball and No Slow-Dancing has more of the country sound upfront, still with the hard rock feel that makes you want to get up and dance in an untucked flannel shirt and comfy old jeans. This fusion of country and hard rock makes the Cox County Clappers a must-listen for listeners in both genres.